Quick and accurate results for COVID-19 testing.

Testing Locations Wherever you are.

You have a life going on and cannot always stop drop and roll into our lab. But that shouldn’t keep you back from staying safe and tested at all times.

** Please note: Beginning May 10th, a prescription from your Doctor will be required for covid testing.

**Covid testing is offered with no out of pocket costs.
LabQ will bill your health insurance for these services. And you will have no responsibility at all for any amount not covered by your insurance provider.

Turnaround Time​ Matters.

When time is of the essence, every hour saved is an hour earned.

*Due to a significant increase in COVID testing, please allow 1 to 2 days for results.

That’s a large achievement. One we continue improving on.

Only an industry leader can make a claim like that. And we make it with confidence.

It all boils down to technology.

We are one of the few that can brag about owning a PerkinElmer - Rated by the FDA as the most sensitive COVID-19 test.

Bragging aside, what’s it to you?​

Test Results
The after matters too.

Test results should be easy to access and easier to decipher.

You will receive fast and easy access to your test results.

How easy? Just a matter of logging in to our portal and seeing results you can read and understand.

A sample is taken by a qualified technician or other healthcare provider from the nose using a swab.

The test for SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – detects genetic material from the virus. It uses PCR – a technology that amplifies the genes so that they can be detected.

The test looks for specific SARS-CoV-2 genetic material. An initial screening test may be positive because of the presence of other, non SARS CoV-2 coronaviruses. If your sample tests positive a further test for another target gene from the virus will be used to confirm it.

Please Note: The Accula SARS-CoV-2 is recommended only for travel, to verify the status it is suggested to use a traditional PCR which is the most accurate.

*Rapid Testing (antigen) with immediate results are available as well.

Please note: Beginning May 10th, a prescription from your Doctor will be required for covid testing.

Covid PCR. Antigen and Antibody tests are typically covered by your health insurance. LabQ will bill your health insurance for these services. Please feel free to email us 24/7 at [email protected] or contact us live 24/7 at 888.LABQ.247 with any billing concerns you may have. The rates are:
Code Description Price
U0003 SARS-COVID-19 $500
U0005 EXPEDITED RESULTS (within 48 hours) $125
86769 SARS-CoV-2 TRIMERIC IgG $211
87636 FLU A, FLU B, SARS CoV 2 RNA $713.15
87637 FLU A, FLU B, RSV, SARS CoV 2 RNA $713.15

According to the latest update from the US HRSA, they will no longer cover the costs of the tests if there is no proof of insurance.

The Local Health Department encourages uninsured individuals to check with their healthcare
provider or other testing location in advance to learn how this announcement impacts them.
Learn more: https://www.hrsa.gov/CovidUninsuredClaim

*Due to a significant increase in COVID testing, please allow 1 to 2 days for results.

Results will be provided when ready on the LabQ  Patient Portal

If you registered with your email address, you will receive an email when the results are available.

If you do not have access to email, you can call our patient center  888-LabQ-247